Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Our class is doing this digital feild trip thing.We are doing it on Antarctica and we had to make a website on it. This is mine

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Tests, tests and more tests. Seriously how many tests are there to do, we've already done a maths test and a reading test and apparently there's HEAPSSSSSSSSSSS more. Wopie!!!!!!!
also I've got my placement assessment test for Girls High next week and That's 3 HOURS LONG. Which means I've got to it AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL again. Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Wai Maths

Today mis Hart told us that we had to do a Wai Maths poster and that it had to be done by wednesdy (Todays monday) A Wai Maths poster is pretty much a whole heap of shapes put together to make a cool pattern. It's really fun.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


To get better with my bar, power and fitht cord. As well as learning thestructure of the neck compared to the piano.

Finish learning to apply deeper features.

Build on my knowledge of decimals & Algerbra.

Particle Questions

View more documents from sams01.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dry ice

We are doing our class science fair on dry ice. Our guestion is "What liquids give a reaction to dry ice?"
Some background info is this:
Dry ice is carbon dioxide in solid form. Its temperature is -78.5 degrees celcius.
It changes directly to gas at atmospheric temperature.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Movie Making

For the last couple of weeks room 2 and my class have been doing movie making. We are doing it for the studio 2 Meccano Mad Movie Challenge. My groups is called Robot Paparazzi. It's wicked fun.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Aberdeen Show

On Friday my band and the senior band did a performance at Aberdeen Primary school. As it was my primary school I had a lot more fun than the other members (except maybe Katie who also went there) and had to say something to them (which was really embarrassing because I had to it off the top of my head) about one of my favourite aspects about S.A.M.S. I did sport. Katie did as well and it was really funny because she kept saying um and she went on about I think 3 different aspects instead of one. It was really cool and next Friday we're going to Vardon Primary.

Science Fair Question

What liquid acid gives the biggest reaction with baking soda?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Camp Recount Self Evaluation

High Swing

Scared of heights? Well, if you are, I really suggest you don’t go to camp Adair. On the other hand if you do, it’s the place to go. There are A LOT of activities and if tried to do it all, you’d be there for about 2 or 3 weeks. My personal favourite is the HIGH SWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s about 10 meters high and is, well, a swing. You get into a harness, with a rope that goes up the pole you had to climb, and clipped on to a pole on the little platform up at the top, to catch you in case you fall. Scary!!! My turn. I started to climb. I was shaking really bad. I got to the top. The instructor started to fiddle around with the ropes, letting me stand there, felling like I’m about to walk the plank. 30 seconds later she says “ OK I’m about to let go of the rope in front of you and your going to feel a little pull. Then I’m going to count to 3 and you’re going to step off the platform to your right.” Deep breath I told my self. “1, 2, 3” I jump into space. The feeling of weightlessness took me over. True to its name I started to swing VERY high. It has GOT to be the best feeling ever! They let me swing until I was going low and slow enough, then an instructor grabbed my legs and pulled me to a stop. He then gets a ladder, un-clips you and you climb down.

There is absolutely NOTHING like the feeling of weightlessness so that’s why my favourite is the HIGH SWING!!!!!

By Hannah Frost

For my camp recount I think I did quite well. It has an intro that leads in to the rest of it well and is paragraphed. It’s in past tense, with all the correct grammar. I think it creates a good picture in people’s heads.

Criteria for Camp Recount
There is an introduction that aims to interest the reader and includes relevant background knowledge. 3

The reader is orientated to who was involved and to when and where the event happened. 2
Significant events have been chosen to add interest and impact.3

Words have been used to detail events in such a way so that the reader is able to visualise the experience.3

Events have been ordered chronologically and logically.4

Sometimes personal reflections or comments are included.4

Ideas are organised into paragraphs.4

A concluding statement that contains an evaluative comment and summarises aspects of the recount has been written.3

Maintains past tense.4

Spelling is accurate.4

Capital letters have been used for names of places, people and titles.4

Fullstops, commas and apostrophes have been used appropriately.4

1= not achieved
2= some evidence
3=most aspects are correct
4=accurate in content or use of feature

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reading - Felixs story

In reading we read a book called Then. It's by Morris Glitzmen. It's about a boy called Felix who's jewish amd it's in the time of the nazis. Basically, in a bit of the book he writes a story about what happened to him and about how the nazis were unfair. The book doesn't have it in it so Mis Hart wants us to write what we think he wrote.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Palindromic numbers

A palindromic number is a number that can be read the same forward and backward. For instance 121 or 484, numbers like that. We have bean doing them in class and they really are fun - even though it doesn't sound like it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quel temps fait-il?

In case you were wondering what Quel temps fait-il? means. It means whats the weather like? in french.
So as you may have picked up, in french we have bean doing stuff about the weather. Some of the words are more interesting than others. My personal favourite is definitely, Il y a du brouillard (roughly pronunced broya) Which means it's foggy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


In physed we have been doing trust activities. It involves - as you can sort of guess - alot of trust - like when your blindfolded and someone could run you into a wall - and communication. One of the activities is to all stand in a circle facing inwards and take random hands - not the person next to you - and then try to untangle everybody - HECKTIC!! -it's is a very interesting activitie!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Primary Research

The Primary Research Project is an new south whales compititions. I did it last year and got a merit. I'm doing it this year and I'm about half way through it. There are 8 sections, no.1 Dictionary questions (use a dictionary to anwser these questions) no.2 Atlas (use an atlas and the map provided) no.3 Scouting (questions about scouting) no.4 A new president (use the article provided and anser the questions) no.5 Did you know (random questions) no.6 Use the computers and the internet (resource materials questions) no.7 Anzac Tradition ( questions about the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) no.8Awards and Trophies (use the provided pictures to anwser the questions). All in all there are 40 questions, and you have about 2 weeks to anwser them I think.can't wait to find out what I get.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Our class has been doing epals. Its an internet program that acts like a hotmail account for talking to people overseas - like a penpal - and at the moment I have 2, Madeleine and Erwin. It's quite cool.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Camera Shots

In class we're doing that studio 2 mechanic movie compitition. So far we have done some work on the different camera shots. It's loads of fun working with the cameras. I can't wait to do the actual movie!!


In science we have been working on molecules and particles and that stuff. Today we did a couple of experiments in the science lab. One we did was to put a paper towel in the bottom of a glass and plunged it straight down, upside down into a sink full of water, and then after 10 seconds we pulled it out and the paper towel was still dry.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Winter Show

My mates and I are in a band and we performed at the winter show on friday afternoon. It was really fun. Besides from the fact that my stomach mussels were sore - It was NOT satge fright! - and afterwards I went around all the stalls and got some rocky road slice stuff (hehe we also stole 2 pints of chips from my dad! Hehe). It was really desserted so there was no problem with ques or anything!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We've been doing gymnastics. So far we've 2 sessions and they've been really fun. Mrs Hart has taken some really funny pictures. Our last will be next monday. Wish me luck!!